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I've worked in tech and digital for almost 30 years. In all that time, there's always been far fewer women than men in the industry.

When I started WebSolutionZ in 2006, I didn't know much about branding and using a website to communicate. My main plan at the time was to build a brand which would allow me to compete in the industry.

What that really meant was - I totally "de-feminised" my business. Most web/business websites back then were blue or black, or sometimes red or green, with pictures of businessmen in suit & tie, computers and strong swirly "web" graphics - all designed to demonstrate the slick offerings and technical expertise of 2006! And they were almost always run by blokes.

websolutionz25 websiteWebSolutionZ website 2012I decided I liked red better than blue or black, so I went with a red/grey/white theme. The website was updated a few times after, and the logo was redone in 2014, but always with the same colour scheme.

The thing is, I know a lot more about colour theory now than I did back then. Turns out, red isn't really ME. And red seems to attract certain... personalities. 🙄

Today, the industry is huge and the world has changed. There are many, many more options and possibilities.

Today, I'm launching the website I always wanted to have but felt I couldn't. It's the type of website I most enjoy creating - suits its owner, is knowledgeable, well-structured, easy to navigate and properly optimised. It's designed to appeal to the types of clients I most enjoy working with. It's ME.

Like to work with me? Let's grab a coffee. 😀

About The Author

Nicky Veitch

Author: Nicky Veitch - Founder & CEO, ENVEE Digital

Websites:  ENVEEDigital.au | WebSolutionZ.com.au


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