A cheap email service may seem appealing when you're first setting up your business and trying to stretch the budget as far as possible.
But cheap email is a false economy. You get what you pay for!

I've worked in tech and digital for almost 30 years. In all that time, there's always been far fewer women than men in the industry.
When I started WebSolutionZ in 2006, I didn't know much about branding and using a website to communicate. My main plan at the time was to build a brand which would allow me to compete in the industry.

A ruling by the Australian High Court is something all Australian Facebook Page owners need to consider.
Basically, the High Court has ruled that media organisations are legally responsible for the comments on their social media pages, even those written by others.

We've been in the digital business for over 15 years, and often get asked to critique existing websites as part of planning for an overhaul.
The ways a digital presence can actually make life more difficult for a business (rather than improve it) are many and varied!
Here are 5 things we see most commonly:

Some interesting insight via the Australian Web Industry Association this week - according to Australia Post's 2020 eCommerce Industry Report, online shopping has increased by 80% in the 8 weeks since the WHO declared the global COVID-19 pandemic.