Common questions

Bottom line - a professional business needs professional graphics.

As the saying goes - "A picture is worth a thousand words" - and online this is particularly true to ensure you stand out from the crowd.


The first thing you will need is a good quality logo. Once this is created, you can use it everywhere - onine, but also on business cards, order forms, email footers, brochures, letterhead, etc.

For a high-quality, professional-looking digital presence, we're going to need at least two high-resolution digital versions of your logo:

  1. A full-sized logo - this can be any shape, and will appear as the main logo on your website.
  2. A square version - this is used for social media profile images, and also as the favicon on your website.

Colours and Style Guide

Choosing colours for your website can be challenging. Ideally, you'll also have a style guide. A style guide tells everyone how your brand should be communicated. At a very basic level it should define colours and logo usage, but it can also do much more.


Lastly, you should plan for at least one good quality image per page.

Please contact us for assistance.